Published Journal Articles
Sanket J More, Kirti Bardhan, Velumani Ravi, Ratnakumar Pasala, Ashish K Chaturvedi, Milan Kumar Lal, Kadambot HM Siddique (2023). Morphophysiological Responses and Tolerance Mechanisms in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Under Drought Stress. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
Amit Kumar Goswami, Naveen Kumar Maurya, Suneha Goswami, Kirti Bardhan, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Jai Prakash, Satyabrata Pradhan, Amarjeet Kumar, Viswanathan Chinnusamy, Prabhat Kumar, Radha Mohan Sharma, Stuti Sharma, Deepak Singh Bisht, Kumar Chavlesh (2022): Physio-biochemical and molecular stress regulators and their crosstalk for low-temperature stress responses in fruit crops: A review. Frontier in Plant Science. 13
Susheel Singh, Vanrajsinh Solanki, Kirti Bardhan, Rohan Kansara, Trupti K Vyas, Kelvin Gandhi, Darshan Dhakan, Hayssam M Ali, Manzer H Siddiqui. (2022). Evaluation of Ozonation Technique for Pesticide Residue Removal in Okra and Green Chili Using GC-ECD and LC-MS/MS. Plants 11, 23: 3202
Nahar, Kamrun, Mohammad S. Rhaman, Khursheda Parvin, Kirti Bardhan, Deyvid N. Marques, Pedro García-Caparrós, and Mirza Hasanuzzaman. (2022). Arsenic-Induced Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense in Plants. Stresses 2, no. 2: 179-209.
Kirti Bardhan, Vipulkumar B. Parekh, Suchismita Jena, Sanket J. More, Duwini Padukkage (2022): Root system architectural and growth responses of crop plants to mineral nutrition under moisture stress and its implications in drought tolerance. In Climate Change and Crop Stress : Molecules to Ecosystems, Shankar et al., Academic Press, Elsevier Inc. pp 171-207 .
Mirza Hasanuzzaman, Khursheda Parvin, Kirti Bardhan, Kamrun Nahar, Taufika Islam Anee, Abdul Awal Chowdhury Masud, Vasileios Fotopoulos (2021): Biostimulants for the Regulation of Reactive Oxygen Species Metabolism in Plants under Abiotic Stress. Cells 10(10). 2537
Dipika S Patel, Kirti Bardhan, Dhiraji Patel, Vipulkumar Parekh, Suchismita Jena, Ajay V Narwade, Harshadkumar N Chhatrola. (2021): Does plant root architecture respond to potassium under water stress? A case from rice seedling root responses. Current Science 120(6), 1050-1056
Kirti Bardhan, Larry M York, Mirza Hasanuzzaman, Vipulkumar Parekh, Suchismita Jena, Mansi N Pandya (2021). Can smart nutrient applications optimize the plant's hidden half to improve drought resistance? Physiologia plantarum 172(2): 1007-1015
Kapil Mohan Sharma, C. M. Muralidharan, D. A. Baidiyavadra, Kirti Bardhan, C. N. Panchal (2020). Evaluation of Potentiality of Different Adjuvants for Date Palm Pollination and Fruit Set. Sugar Tech. (23) 139-145
Henil D Vashi, Prutha P Patel, Kirti Bardhan (2020): Growth and physiological responses of vegetable crops to water deficit stress.Journal of Experimental Agriculture International. 42(5), 92-101
Suchismita Jena and Bardhan K ( 2019): Resurrection of Indian Agriculture through Revolutionary Innovations of Science and Technology. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 35(6). 1-10
Bardhan K., Patel D.S. and Patel D. P. (2018): Revealing the Effects of Potassium on Rice Roots under Moisture Stress. Better Crops Vol 102 (4). 28-31
Jayeshkumar A. Bhabhor, Kirti Bardhan, Dhiraj P. Patel, Ajay V. Narwade and Harshad N. Chatrola. (2018). The Selective Vulnerability of Rice Root System Architecture to Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(7): 1247-1265.
Bardhan K. and Sharma K. (2018): Regulating Horticultural Crops by Cultural and Chemical Methods. Vegetose: 31 (2): 67-76
Jadav S. K., Bardhan K. and Damor P. (2018): Na and K content in leaves, shoots and roots of tomato seedling varied under iso-osmotic stresses of NaCl and PEG. International J of Chemical Studies. 6(2) :2763-2766.
S. K.Ahirwar, Aruna Devi Ahirwar, K. Bardhan and S. L. Alawa (2017): Effect of foliar application of NPK and Zinc Sulphate on productivity and economic of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) under sandy loam soil In Irrigated condition at Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh, India: Plant Achieve. 17 (2): 861-865
R. J. Patel R. J; Ahlawat T. R; Patel C. R; Bardhan K. and J.J. Amarcholi (2017): An interaction study between pre-sowing treatments and duration of soaking in mango (Mangifera indica L.) stones. Multilogic in Science. VII (XXIV): 41-43.
Sharma K. M., Bardhan K. and Roy P (2017): Why organic farms do not give potential yield. Rashtriya Krishi. 12 (1):84-85
Sharma K.M and Bardhan K. (2017): Can high yielding varieties perform similarly in organic farms? Plant Achieve. 17 (1): 675-680
Jadav S. K., Bardhan K., and Patel D. P. (2017): Differential Early Stage Water Relations, Gaseous Exchange and Photosynthetic Responses of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to Water and Salt Stress. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 19(6): 1-13,
DOI : 10.9734/BJAST/2017/32201
Kumar M., Thakur N. S., Bardhan K. and Bhusara J. B. (2017): Effect of teak (Tectona grandis L)-Ocimum spp-based silvi-medicinal systems on growth and physiological parameters of Ocimum spp. International Journal of Farm Sciences. 7(1) :8-14
Yadav M. K., Kirtivardhan, Singh P and Singh P (2017): Irradiation and Storage Temperature Influence the Physiological Changes and Shelf Life of Mango (Mangifera indica L.). American J Plant Biology. 2 (1): 5-10
Jadav S.K., Bardhan K., Chaudhary K and Narwade A.V. (2016): Comparative Effect of PEG-8000 and NaCl Induced Stress on Tomato at Germination. Advances in Life Sciences. 5(18) :7824-7828
Bardhan K. and Patel D. P. (2016): Urgency to understand nitrogen use efficiency in organic agriculture: Advances in Crop Science and Technology: 4: 236 DOI 10.4172/2329-8863.1000236
Bardhan K., Patel D. P., Thakre H.S. and Shrivastava P. K. (2015) Influence of Different Temperature Regimes on Growth and Yield of Rice. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, ISSN: 0975-3710 & E-ISSN: 0975-9107, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp.-502-509.
Yadav M. K., Patel N. L., Patel D. P. Bardhan K. and Parmar M.R. (2015): Alphonso mango conservation through exposure to gamma radiation. African Journal of Food Science. Vol. 9 (3) pp 97-102
Parmar M.R., Jadeja D.B., Tandel M.B., Patel N. K., Bardhan K. and Prajapati V. M. (2014): Effect of pruning intensities and different levels of fertilizers on Jathropha Curcus L. under irrigated condition. Indian Forester : 140 (1): pp 42-52
Thakre H.S., Shrivastava P.K., and Bardhan K. (2014): Impact of weather parameters on cotton productivity at Surat (Gujarat) India. Journal of applied and natural sciences: 6 (2): pp: 599-604
Thakre H.S., Kumar V. and Bardhan K. (2011): Effect of square removal on growth, yield and fibre quality of transgenic Bt cotton hybrids. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology. Vol. 16.No. 2.pp: 2004-204
Yadav M. K., Patel N. L., Parmar B. R., Bardhan K. and Singh P. (2010): Effect of micronutrients on growth and crop duration of Banana cv. Grand Nine. Progressive Horticulture: Vol. 42, No. 2. pp: 162-164
Aklade S.A., Patel B. N., Singh P. and Bardhan K. (2010): Effect of planting environment, type of cuttings and media on propagation of rose (Rosa damascena L.) cv. Local red. The Asian Journal of Horticulture. Vol:4, No. 2. pp: 448-451
Aklade S. A., Bardhan K., Singh P., Kakde D. K. and Pathan A.B. (2010): Effect of PGR’s on growth, flowering and flower yield of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum L.) cv. Local white. The Asian Journal of Horticulture. Vol:4, No. 2. pp: 491-493
Yadav M. K., Patel N. L., Patel S.R. and Bardhan K. (2009): Response of banana (Musa paradisiacal L.) cv. Grand Nine to micronutrient: Annals of Plant Physiology: vol. 23, No. 1, pp: 71-73
Bardhan K., Kumar V., and Dhimmar S.K. (2007): An evaluation of the potentiality of exogenous osmoprotectants mitigating water stress on chickpea: The Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 3, No.-2 pp 67-74 DOI:
Yadav M.K., Singh P.S, Patel N.L. and Bardhan K. (2006): Response of GA3, Ca(NO3), bavistin and neem extract on the storage life of Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulate Blanco): Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture: Vol.1, No.1 pp-80-82